LG Electronics has added Disney+ to its LG Automotive Content Platform (ACP) powered by webOS, the company’s own operating system, further expanding the scope of entertainment apps available on its in-car infotainment solution. The new app is now available in South Korea, with LG planning to roll out in the U.S and other markets at a later date.
The LG ACP more broadly provides vehicle occupants with access to information and services, as well as popular apps such as Netflix, YouTube, TikTok, Baby Shark World for Kids, Stingray Karaoke, Play.Works, LG Channels, El Dorado and Gold Tower Defence. Disney+ is a streaming service with movies and TV shows spanning the Disney catalogue and beyond – including content from Disney itself, as well as Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, National Geographic and general entertainment content brand, Star.
Disney+ also offers an extensive library comprised of both classics, and a growing collection of exclusive originals. Subscribers can enjoy some of the greatest franchises such as Disney’s Frozen, The Avengers, Star Wars, Inside Out and Toy Story, long-standing drama series including Grey’s Anatomy and Criminal Minds as well as recent releases such as FX’s Shogun, Star Wars: The Acolyte, The First Slam Dunk, The Kardashians, the latest season of Doctor Who and more.
Functioning as the centerpiece of LG’s PlayWare entertainment system, the LG ACP enhances the in-vehicle infotainment experience through the delivery of ultra-high-definition content and enhanced audio quality. Leveraging the company’s partnerships with major streaming apps, sports and news channels, PlayWare aims to bring the LG smart TV experience into the car, displaying content in 4K Ultra HD resolution on in-vehicle displays.
One of five core solutions in the LG AlphaWare software suite designed to deliver immersive in-cabin experiences, PlayWare also uses AI Audio technology adapted from LG smart TVs to convert audio content to spatial sound to offer an immersive auditory experience.